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youth center中文是什么意思

用"youth center"造句"youth center"怎么读"youth center" in a sentence


  • 青年活动中心
  • 青年厅堂


  • Students view the handicraftswoman weaving miao embroidery in a youth center of the miao autonomous county of rongshui , southwest china ' s guangxi zhuang autonomous region , nov . 7 , 2007
  • A variety of folk arts of miao ethnic group , such as the miao embroidery , were introduced to students in the youth center to enhance their understanding of the unique ethnic culture
  • The association consoled , visited , and brought gift bags to : la maison du pere , the old brewery mission , la mission bon acceuil , l abri d espoire , dans la rue , youth centers , women centers , et cetera . included in the gift bags were : blankets , rice , spaghetti , canned food , milk , sugar , soap , clothes and other essential items
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